Live on TV - Eurosport 1
4 מאי
Venaria Reale - Torino
Hilly | 136 km | 1800 m
Tadej Pogačar, Olav Kooij, Romain Bardet, Geraint Thomas
Giro d'Italia
Snooker: World Championships: Sheffield
Coverage of all the action from the snooker tournament that takes place in Sheffield, England. Catch all the results and highlights.
5 מאי
יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן
San Francesco al Campo - Santuario di Oropa
Hilly | 154 km | 2400 m
Tadej Pogačar, Olav Kooij, Romain Bardet, Geraint Thomas
Giro d'Italia
Snooker: World Championships: Sheffield
Coverage of all the action from the snooker tournament that takes place in Sheffield, England. Catch all the results and highlights.
6 מאי
יוֹם שֵׁנִי
Novara - Fossano
Flat | 165 km | 740 m
Tadej Pogačar, Olav Kooij, Romain Bardet, Geraint Thomas
Giro d'Italia
Snooker: World Championships: Sheffield
Coverage of all the action from the snooker tournament that takes place in Sheffield, England. Catch all the results and highlights.
7 מאי
יוֹם שְׁלִישִׁי
Acqui Terme - Andora
Flat | 187 km | 2280 m
Tadej Pogačar, Olav Kooij, Romain Bardet, Geraint Thomas
Giro d'Italia
8 מאי
יום רביעי
Genova - Lucca
Hilly | 176 km | 2440 m
Tadej Pogačar, Olav Kooij, Romain Bardet, Geraint Thomas
Giro d'Italia