13 ספט
יוֹם שִׁישִׁי
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 1
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 1
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
14 ספט
יום שבת
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 2 Session 1
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 2 Session 1
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 2 Session 2
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 2 Session 2
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
15 ספט
יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 3 Session 1
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 3 Session 1
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 3 Session 2
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.
World Series of Darts Finals - Day 3 Session 2
Watch all the latest action in the World Series of Darts Finals.


1. Luke Humphries £1,556,000
2. Michael van Gerwen £1,092,500
3. Michael Smith £1,064,750
4. Nathan Aspinall £623,000
5. Gerwyn Price £594,750
6. Rob Cross £586,750
7. Dave Chisnall £497,750
8. Peter Wright £492,500
9. Dimitri Van den Bergh £489,000
10. Damon Heta £482,750